Friday, April 10, 2015

Day 6: 30 interesting facts about yourself

1. I was born in Canada
2. I've loved my husband since 9th grade
3. I hate spiders, they totally creep me out
4. I love being a stay at home Mom
5. I had cancer when I was 15
6. I got my drivers license on my way to my first radiation treatment
7. I've been in remission for almost 15 years
8. I didn't like high school very much
9. I have a perfectly round head
10. I'm an over thinker
11. I plan things far in advance
12. I'm super organized
13. I love my spending time with my friends and family
14. I have a big heart and sometimes care too much 
15. I looooove animals
16. I have 7 animals now
17. I sometimes like animals better than people
18. I've been doing the Jimmy Fund Walk for 8 years to raise money for childhood cancer research
19. I really started sewing a year ago and love it
20. I love chocolate, it should be its own food group 
21. I love reading, just don't have much time for it lately
22. I love the smell at the bookstore and library
23. I don't like the cold at all
24. I love writing, hence the blog :)
25. I don't like my natural hair color.
26. I have the most beautiful daughter in the world ❤️
27. I have a step-son who is 6 years old
28. I love swimming
29. I write everything down, if not I would forget it
30. I would do anything for my family

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