Friday, April 17, 2015

Day 13: Somewhere you'd like to move or visit

Day 13: Somewhere you'd like to move or visit
There are lots of places that I would love to visit. To start I want to go to Bora Bora and stay in a hut over the water. Maldives would be another good place for that. Josh and I still haven't gone on our honeymoon so maybe some day we can go somewhere tropical for that. We need to start saving our pennies, because all these places are very expensive to visit. 
Hawaii would be a beautiful place to visit as well. You see the theme here??? Warm weather, beautiful water and beaches :) 
I don't like the cold but I don't think I'll be moving to a warmer climate anytime soon. I do like the 4 seasons and not having to deal with bugs in the cold months is wonderful! Maybe when we retire and the kids are all married and settled down we will move down south. So we have plenty of time. 
Coral Island in Maldives. Picture via

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