Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Day 10: Describe your first love and first kiss

Day 10: Describe your first love and first kiss.
I know I thought I loved people in the past but that wasn't what it was. So this one is hard for me. I remember my first crush, well my first crush that wasn't JTT haha. His name was Matt, we were in 5th grade and friends. He had no idea that I had the biggest crush on him ever, and I never said anything. He was a really nice guy, very cute, good at sports, and had lots of friends. Totally out of my league. And then we moved and I never saw him again. 
My first kiss...you would think I should remember this clear as day, but I don't. I think it was my first boyfriend but I'm not sure. That is so bad. Mind you I only dated my first boyfriend for a month and we were in 7th grade. I'm sure it was very G rated like on the cheek. Maybe I told my Mom about it, I'll have to ask her. You'd think that would be something that I would remember forever... Whoops :)
Picture via kirtsy.com

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