Thursday, May 21, 2015

Family Photo Album

When Ryan was learning how to read I made him a photo album with pictures of all the members of our family. 
I bought a inexpensive photo album from Walmart and counted the pages. There was 24 pages in the particular one I bought. Once I counted the pages I figured out the different pages.
We have 19 pages of family members and for the last pages are different relationships in a family. Like father and son, brother and sister, mother and daughter etc. 
Then I went through my pictures and found all the ones that I wanted to use, and had them printed at the one hour photo at Walmart. I labeled each picture with who the person is or the relationship like I said above. I put all the names in word, printed, and cut them out. Once I glued the labels onto the pictures I just popped them in the album and it was good to go. 
It was a fun project. He could put a name with the face and learn how to sound them out. 
So now Ruby is big into looking at pictures and books. She will point to a picture and wait for me to say who it is. So I went and dug out the album and she loves it! 

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