Monday, May 4, 2015

Day 25: Someone who fascinates you and why

When I first saw this topic I wasn't sure who I was going to write about. I took some time and thought about it and came up with a couple of people. 
Ellen DeGeneres fascinates me. She seems like she is such an amazing person, with a huge heart. She gives so much to people in need and I really respect that. I love how she surprises people with things that they need and would never be able to get. She really cares, and you can tell it's genuine. You just can't fake that. Her show is funny and if I am in a bad mood can put it on and just forget about the sadness and laugh. 
She is a real person and I'm sure that she has had her share of hard times, and she is still so positive. 
One day I will make it to one of her shows tapings. Until then I will watch it and keep laughing.
Picture via Google images

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