Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Day 30: Your highs and lows this month

The last month has been pretty good if I do say so myself. 

Some highs are:
Ruby started swim lessons with Noah, and she's really enjoying it.
We have a play date once a week so Ruby and I get time with our friends.
I had a nice low key Mothers Day with my family.
The weather has been warm!
I've been exercising daily.
Everyone is healthy.
I went out to dinner with my vet clinic girls. 
Josh and I have been dating for 3 years this month.

Some lows are:
I haven't been very motivated to do things around the house. I've got some big projects that I need to start. 
I am having a hard time dealing with this one person, and I can't just cut them out. So trying to find ways to deal with that. 
We haven't gotten pregnant yet. I think it's because of stress from the person mentioned above.
Today its raining and well that's good and bad. Good to get rid of the pollen all over everything but not great for motivation.
The trampoline place got rid of Toddler time during the week. That was a big thing for Ruby. She totally comes out of her shell there. 

All in all its been a good month. There are highs and lows with everything. We are all happy and healthy and that's all that really matters. 

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