Friday, May 15, 2015

Day 28: Something that you miss

I miss being skinny! 
3 years ago I started dating my husband. I gained 15 pounds of "happy" weight. Then we had our daughter, which I gained 40lbs with. I have lost all the baby weight but am still struggling with the happy weight. 
I exercise 5 times a week, and do 10,000+ steps daily, I drink 64+ oz of water a day, and I don't eat horrible. It's just sticking around. I guess I have to do more. 
It's amazing what 15 pounds can do to your self esteem. I don't feel good in any of my clothes. I did go shopping the other day with my mother and Ruby and we did find some shirts that weren't clingy, so that's helping. And I know I don't have it as bad as some people, I would just like to be comfortable in my own skin again. And I'm sure I will get there, and probably right before we get pregnant again haha. 

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