Saturday, March 15, 2014

Unproductive Day

Today was a long very unproductive day. I tended to children all day so I guess it was productive just not productive in the way that I was hoping. I wanted to get some cleaning done and get birthday presents started, finished and wrapped. I did get one started and finished but it took me till Ruby was in bed to accomplish. The dishes aren't so lucky, they are going to be "soaking" overnight and I will deal with them in the morning. 
I must say I am exhausted. Ruby decided that she wanted to get up last night at 11pm (right when I'm about to brush my teeth and go to bed) and stay up until 1am. Then she was back up at 7:30am. She's lucky she's so cute. :) Ryan also needed meds twice a day and to soak his foot three times a day. And of course I have to feed almost everyone three times a day, Ruby is more like 5-6. And then snacks for the guys. I also have all my fur babies to take care of. They are much easier than the human babies that's for sure. I think all I did today was take care of my little family, and you know what that's ok with me. I got a nice break at the end of the night. Josh took over and I took the longest shower; mind you I might have cleaned the tub while I was in there but that's ok. At least I did not have to worry that someone was going to start crying and cut into my me time. 
So all in all it was an unproductive but awesome day! 

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