Thursday, March 20, 2014

Stomach Flu Time

So far this week has been awful! It all started on Tuesday when Ruby woke up from her three hour nap (that should've been a sign) and she started throwing up everywhere. She had gotten the stomach flu, not sure from where. So Tuesday afternoon evening was not fun. I ended up spending the night snuggling her. She couldn't drink any milk and she's only allowed a little sips of Pedialyte which was not cutting it. She has a good appetite. The next morning she was feeling much better we went slow with all the food but she ended up being fine by the end of the day. 
So Wednesday morning rolls around and I'm not feeling great. Josh had to work late so me and Ruby toughed it out until he got home. Well I didn't make it but Ruby was very good for me when I was sick. As soon as Josh got home he took over with Ruby for the night and I went and laid in bed. Still not feeling hundred percent today but much better. So it was a lazy day today for Ruby and I. We changed into clean pajamas for the day and are waiting now for Josh to get home. Got a call from him earlier and he is not feeling well. So the stomach flu has run completely through our house. 
I had forgot how awful being sick is. It's even harder now with Ruby and having to take care of her at the same time. 
On a sidenote Ruby will try to crawl to get my hairbrush, not toys, my hairbrush. She thinks it's the best thing! 
Hope nobody gets the stomach flu that's going around, it is not a good time.

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