Thursday, March 13, 2014

Brother Sister Bond

The bond between siblings is an awesome thing. I have two sisters that I would do anything for. Even if I don't see them much when we see each other it's like we are never apart. I want my kids to have that kind of relationship.
Today Ruby and I picked up her step brother Ryan, he's 5 years old. We only have him two weekends a month but they already have that bond. She lights up when she sees him and is always all smiles. It's crazy how much love you can see between them already. Ryan is a great big brother that is looking out for her already. If she cries he comforts her and if that doesn't work he tells me. It's amazing that even though they don't see each other much they still are close already. 
Your siblings are your first and longest friendships. I feel blessed to have my sisters and I'm glad Ruby has her brother. I know they will be close friends. 

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