Monday, March 31, 2014

Family Weekend!

Busy busy weekend! I am totally exhausted now but it was so worth it. Got to spend some quality time with my Aunt Ann and Aruna. And they got to see how huge Ruby is getting. 
So here is a rundown of our time together. Everyone flew in on Friday evening. So Saturday was spent at Josh and I's house. We had a lounge and hang out day with everyone. Ruby entertained us all and we all got to catch up on what's been going on. That event went into the early evening. Sunday was Gillian and Arunas birthday! So we had lunch at the delicious Holy Grail and then we were off to Laura's to open presents and have cupcakes. Monday was a fun filled girls day that started off at Laura's work for a tour and then off to Kittery to do some shopping at the outlets. Ruby made out like a bandit and got a ton of new clothes (which she needed) and an adorable toy :) After the fun at the outlets we met up with the guys for a nice dinner at my parents house and a game of Apples to Apples. 
What a great time we all had. I love spending time with my family. I just wish that we all lived closer so we could see each other more. But for now we have FaceTime! 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Baby Proofing

Well the time has come that I have to start baby proofing the house. Ruby is now mobile. She started off rolling to where she wanted to go and now she's crawling and standing herself up. So today is the day that the crib gets lowered and baby proofing begins. 
I thought I had months before this started but she is ready to go. Sick of sitting around waiting :) Now comes the challenging part, what really needs to be done. The cabinets in the kitchen do not have knobs, and I have a hard time opening them (the cats don't though, that's a story for another time). I have broken more nails trying to get silverware than I can count. So the kitchen is good. Open wall sockets have been covered, so I guess it's on to the pointy stuff. Like the tables and the fireplace. I mean how can you baby proof the fireplace?!? I've been using pillows for now seen as how she isn't too fast yet. 
I guess the plan would be to keep an extra eye on her, which I don't take my eyes off her now anyway. I've tried putting her in her playpen and she wants no part of it. It's too restricting. She needs to be able to move. 
I have a feeling I am going to have my hands full with this little girl. She's only 7 1/2 months and she's already keeping me on my toes! But I wouldn't have it any other way. 
Now off to get ready for our family weekend! 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

First Beach Walk of the Season

This winter has been unbelievely cold, so the first sign of warm weather we take advantage of it. Saturday was 48 degrees, it was beautiful out. So Ruby and I decided to go and take a walk on the beach with a couple of my good friends and some adorable dogs. I didn't have enough hands to bring my pups but will before the summer hits and dogs aren't aloud on the beach anymore. Sadly we had to leave my husband home also because he was under the weather still; next time we will make it a family event. It was the first time Ruby has been to the beach, mind you we couldn't swim but it's still a first!
It was a great day for a walk on the beach. A lot of other people had the same idea. So many dogs and their owners walking up and down the shoreline. Kids playing in the sand and running away from the water. And after being cooped up for the winter it was really nice to get out and feel the sun on your face. It was windy but that's just a price you have to pay for springtime in New England. 
Many people stopped us to ask about the breed of dog; which is Miniature Bull Terrier. Some closed minded people made sure they didn't walk to close. But all and all a great day. 
After Ruby and I parted ways with my friends we headed home. It was cloudy by that time, and as we drove down the highway it started to rain, and then snow and when we got off our exit the sun was out and no sign of clouds in the sky. This was a span of 20 minutes. You gotta love New England weather! 
Robyn (dog), Vern, myself, Ruby, Erin and Brady (dog). Love these ladies! 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Stomach Flu Time

So far this week has been awful! It all started on Tuesday when Ruby woke up from her three hour nap (that should've been a sign) and she started throwing up everywhere. She had gotten the stomach flu, not sure from where. So Tuesday afternoon evening was not fun. I ended up spending the night snuggling her. She couldn't drink any milk and she's only allowed a little sips of Pedialyte which was not cutting it. She has a good appetite. The next morning she was feeling much better we went slow with all the food but she ended up being fine by the end of the day. 
So Wednesday morning rolls around and I'm not feeling great. Josh had to work late so me and Ruby toughed it out until he got home. Well I didn't make it but Ruby was very good for me when I was sick. As soon as Josh got home he took over with Ruby for the night and I went and laid in bed. Still not feeling hundred percent today but much better. So it was a lazy day today for Ruby and I. We changed into clean pajamas for the day and are waiting now for Josh to get home. Got a call from him earlier and he is not feeling well. So the stomach flu has run completely through our house. 
I had forgot how awful being sick is. It's even harder now with Ruby and having to take care of her at the same time. 
On a sidenote Ruby will try to crawl to get my hairbrush, not toys, my hairbrush. She thinks it's the best thing! 
Hope nobody gets the stomach flu that's going around, it is not a good time.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Spring Cleaning

Spring is right around the corner so I'm trying to come up with a game plan for the dreaded spring cleaning. Cleaning is not one of my favorite things to do so some things might get put off and then put off again. But this year I'm going to buckle down and do a deep spring cleaning. The house needs it and we have a lot of stuff that we really don't need anymore. We are planning on multiple trips to the dump, yard sale and selling stuff online. I actually started today by throwing out clutter that was taking up room in Rubys closet. Also the rest of my cubes for my storage unit have arrived so I can start organizing and cleaning up our den and spare room. 
I've been looking on Pinterest (I will do an entire post on just Pinterest don't you worry) and I've found some great cleaning lists to get me started. Like the one I've posted below, it's great for everyday manageable cleaning. When you don't have hours to be able to clean the entire house because you have a life to live. 
This list gives you something that can be achieved everyday without too much of a hassle. Even I can handle this list with a seven month old that is having separation issues! 
The Spring is such a happy time. All the ugly brown snow is melting and the weather is getting warmer no wonder everyone cleans in the spring that's when all the motivation comes back to us. Are you ready to start spring cleaning?

31 Day Cleaning Challenge made by 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday Swim Day

The weekend has come and gone. It always goes by way too fast. But Ruby and I have something to look forward to every Monday now... Swim class! Today was week three, and there's been progress. Not so much progress learning how to swim, but progress in the sense that there was a lot less crying today when the teacher held her. She also was kicking, splashing and smiling all things that she has not done during some class yet. So today was a success! 
Class is 30 mins and held at an indoor pool. There is a water aerobics class going on right next to us in the pool and come people that are doing laps, so it's not calm and quiet. I think it's a lot for her to take in. She gets nervous and latches onto my shoulder and doesn't let go. She does loosen up towards the end if class and starts to have a good time. Every week she gets better. It's good to get her out and use to the water, plus she can see other people. Its good for me too to get out and talk to adults! 
After class we were getting changed and a nice lady from the aerobics class started chatting with us. She said she has no idea what's going on in her class because she's always too busy watching the babies swimming. Says it's adorable :) It is pretty darn cute that's for sure. 
As soon we get in the car Ruby is fast asleep. All that swimming and crying is exhausting. I totally understand where she's coming from, I'm ready for a nap once we leave also. 

Whatever you do Momma don't let me go!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Unproductive Day

Today was a long very unproductive day. I tended to children all day so I guess it was productive just not productive in the way that I was hoping. I wanted to get some cleaning done and get birthday presents started, finished and wrapped. I did get one started and finished but it took me till Ruby was in bed to accomplish. The dishes aren't so lucky, they are going to be "soaking" overnight and I will deal with them in the morning. 
I must say I am exhausted. Ruby decided that she wanted to get up last night at 11pm (right when I'm about to brush my teeth and go to bed) and stay up until 1am. Then she was back up at 7:30am. She's lucky she's so cute. :) Ryan also needed meds twice a day and to soak his foot three times a day. And of course I have to feed almost everyone three times a day, Ruby is more like 5-6. And then snacks for the guys. I also have all my fur babies to take care of. They are much easier than the human babies that's for sure. I think all I did today was take care of my little family, and you know what that's ok with me. I got a nice break at the end of the night. Josh took over and I took the longest shower; mind you I might have cleaned the tub while I was in there but that's ok. At least I did not have to worry that someone was going to start crying and cut into my me time. 
So all in all it was an unproductive but awesome day! 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Friday Morning Cartoons

When Ryan is over for the weekend I end up watching cartoons for a while in the morning. And I must say there are some strange shows out now. There are some educational ones but some make me feel dumber after watching them. For instance we watched Paw Patrol today which is about a group of dogs that get called when people need help. It's not educational in the sense that it teaches them spelling or grammar but it does teach the kids team work, helping others and problem solving. It's just a bonus that it's about dogs :) We also watched Dora the Explorer. That show teaches you Spanish and she also asks for your help. She stops and waits far to long for you to answer, and it gets creepy. But she's actually teaching the kids something for I can deal with the staring contest.
One show that Ryan loves and I drives me insane is Spongebob Squarepants. Watching that makes you dumber, there is no educational value whatsoever. And his laugh omg the laugh. I can't even talk about it anymore....
Rubys favorite show, well at least I think her favorite show, is Bubble Guppies. She really watches it and smiles. It's about mermaids and they go to school everyday and learn new things. Ryan enjoys it too so that's a plus. 
Cartoons are nothing like they use to be when I was little. Things have changed a lot and not all for the best. But as long as I don't have to watch Spongebob today I am a happy camper!
The kiddos watching TV. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Brother Sister Bond

The bond between siblings is an awesome thing. I have two sisters that I would do anything for. Even if I don't see them much when we see each other it's like we are never apart. I want my kids to have that kind of relationship.
Today Ruby and I picked up her step brother Ryan, he's 5 years old. We only have him two weekends a month but they already have that bond. She lights up when she sees him and is always all smiles. It's crazy how much love you can see between them already. Ryan is a great big brother that is looking out for her already. If she cries he comforts her and if that doesn't work he tells me. It's amazing that even though they don't see each other much they still are close already. 
Your siblings are your first and longest friendships. I feel blessed to have my sisters and I'm glad Ruby has her brother. I know they will be close friends. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Organizing the Little Things

So much for a huge snow storm. I haven't seen a flake of snow yet. Not that I'm complaining though. I am ready for summer. We can skip over Spring and bring on the heat. Looks like this Spring will not be as warm as usual, well at least in the beginning. Tomorrow, in good old NH, it's going to be a low of 2 degrees. So yeah I'm ready for warmth. I can not wait to get outside and be able to walk without feeling like I'm getting punched in the gut by the cold. 
So that's my rant about the cold. Thanks for listening. 
Ruby, myself and the animals are having a low key day. The shots she got yesterday are not affecting her negatively so that's a bonus. She is pretty happy. I got her to nap but everytime I try to move to go do something productive she wakes up and cries. So I've abandoned all hope that I will get anything done today until Josh gets home.
I had big plans for today...I wanted to get this amazing organizational cube storage unit put together so I could start organizing all of the little things that need permanent homes in the house. But so far that has not happened. But I did get a jump start on cleaning and figuring out what will go in the unit last night while Ruby slept and Josh was at school. So I guess I made up for today last night. I'll count that as a win for me. 

My little helper. She let me start putting it together this afternoon; emphasis on start. 

And she let me finish right before dinner! Didn't even need Joshs help. Girl power! Ruby and I got this :) 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Just another Tuesday

Ruby and I had a productive day today. We had to be up early to bring her to the doctors to get her booster shots. It's never fun when they have to get shots. You're the one holding them down will somebody sticks them with a needle. I really hope she doesn't remember that. She cried and cried, it was so sad. But we did meet a nice lady who has a daughter that was born two days before Ruby. She was also there for the booster shot. So it was nice to chat with another mom that was going through the same stuff as I am. After our traumatizing five minutes at the doctors off we went to meet Grandmom at Target. We found Ruby an awesome toy which is a baby remote because she's always stealing and one for the TV. We had to get something for her for being such a trooper with the shots. After Target we ventured over to Walmart to pick up some groceries because a snow storm is supposed to hit tomorrow. I was nervous because the last time she got the shots she was extremely cranky for multiple days after but so far so good. She actually sat in the cart, which is the first time that she stayed sitting the entire time we were in there. She was as happy as can be all afternoon, but now she's starting to get fussy. It doesn't help that she doesn't feel like napping either. I don't get where she gets that from because myself and her father love to sleep as much as possible. But now we are home and doing a little spring cleaning, and crying. So it's time to feed myself and Ruby some dinner, and then start our bedtime routine. 

Some things I learned from Ruby today... Bread is good even if it's in the bag still. (She didn't actually eat any bread she just sucked on the brown paper that it's in.) It looked delicious!
Zippers are also extremely entertaining. Almost better than toys. 
Shots are no fun at any age. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

What's in a name

So I'm sure if you are reading this you are wondering what in the world kind of blog name is this??? Well to tell you the truth I could not come up with a name. For one everything is taken and for two there is a lot of pressure to pick the perfect name so everyone knows what your blog is about. And well I didn't want my blog to be about just one certain thing. I wanted to be about lots of things. My life, my daughter,  my fur babies, my family, our day-to-day life, what I'm making for dinner, a craft I'm attempting to make, etc. I wanted it to be about anything and everything, so that's what I'm going to do.
So to get back to the blog name... I was sitting here trying to figure out a good name, and I looked over at my daughter Ruby and she's smiling at me and laughing without a care in the world. So I figured I was putting way too much thought into this.  As I'm looking at Ruby I glance at the onesie I put her in this am. It is a pink penguin with a purple bow on her head. And I did it for me, that would be my blog name.