So here is a rundown of our time together. Everyone flew in on Friday evening. So Saturday was spent at Josh and I's house. We had a lounge and hang out day with everyone. Ruby entertained us all and we all got to catch up on what's been going on. That event went into the early evening. Sunday was Gillian and Arunas birthday! So we had lunch at the delicious Holy Grail and then we were off to Laura's to open presents and have cupcakes. Monday was a fun filled girls day that started off at Laura's work for a tour and then off to Kittery to do some shopping at the outlets. Ruby made out like a bandit and got a ton of new clothes (which she needed) and an adorable toy :) After the fun at the outlets we met up with the guys for a nice dinner at my parents house and a game of Apples to Apples.
What a great time we all had. I love spending time with my family. I just wish that we all lived closer so we could see each other more. But for now we have FaceTime!