Saturday, May 10, 2014

Trail Time

Today was beautiful out. The weatherman claimed that it was going to rain all day but be in the 70s. Well it was in the 70s but no rain in the afternoon! We took full advantage of it too. Myself, my mom, Ruby, Ryan and the dogs piled into my mothers car and drove to a state trail down the road. It was great! Ryan got to ride his bike, while Ruby enjoyed the ride in her stroller. She even took a nap on the way back :) Nikko absolutely loved it and Scrappy loved the beginning but slowed down towards the end. All in all a success. 
I've never walked down the trail before and we wanted to do something different today. Ryan said he wanted to go to the trail so that's what we did. 
One thing that was a bummer was the May flies were out and being extremely annoying. So next time I'm bringing bug spray and I need to invest in a bug screen to go over the stroller. Still a fun time had by all :)

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