Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

First of all I would like to thank all of those who have served and are serving now. You have all made this a safer place for us to live and I thank you for that. 
What a wonderful long weekend. It was full of decent weather and lots of family. 
We had a birthday dinner on Saturday for Josh's little sister Jackie. We went to one of the nice restaurants in Hampton with the whole Whitcomb family. Ruby stayed home with Laura; it was past her bedtime. After dinner Josh and I went and got Ryan for the rest of the long weekend. He was pretty tired and went straight to bed when we got home. 
Sunday Josh worked on his race car at his parents house. Me and the kiddos stayed home for the morning so Ruby could take her nap and then after we all had lunch we headed over to meet up with Josh. 
It was fun. Ruby, Ryan and myself went for a walk with Cynthia and Carter when we got down there. It was a beautiful day. It rained in the morning but cleared up in the afternoon for us. Once Josh and his father were done working on the race car I finally got to take a ride in it, because we had someone to keep an eye on the kids. It's very loud :) We took a ride past my parents old house in Hampton. Its very strange seeing different cars in the driveway. :/

Saturday night was a low-key night. Ruby went to bed early, she was tired from the busy day we had. Josh and Ryan watched videos of monster trucks on YouTube and I started sewing a few pillows that I'm making to match our new headboard and a giant one for Ruby to play on! 
Sunday was a yardwork day. Our friend Jimmy came over to help and hang out. I got the flowerbeds cleaned up while the guys cleaned around the new shed. Ruby watched from a blanket that she was playing on. She is not a fan of the dirt, she would touch it and be disgusted and pull her hand away. 

We had a cook out for dinner; barbecued some steak tips, chicken and green beans and had fancy fries with them. (Fancy fries are fries cooked with onion and bacon...delicious). Laura came over and had dinner with us and then we watched a movie. 
It was a really great weekend. I'm bummed that it's over and everyone's gone back to work. 

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