Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Shed = Storage Solution

I love my house, I really do, but storage is an issue. We started spring cleaning and got rid of so much stuff, but there was a lot of stuff that we are keeping and needed a space of its own. 
We have a finished room in the basement and we'd like to use it as a office/play space but as of now it's storage. We also have an unfinished part of our basement that is used for storage that is full! The garage is full also. We are running out of space. So to reclaim some space we have invested in a shed. We will be able to put the pool, shovels, bikes, lawn mower, chairs, anything outdoorsy that doesn't need to be in the basement or garage in there. I am beyond excited, I'll be able to organize the entire basement, Josh will have his garage back and the porch will be clutter free and we can sit out there again yay!!! Now all we need is time to do all of that, and time now a days is hard to come by. 

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