Tuesday, May 6, 2014

30 Day Workout Challenge

Finding time to exercise is tough now. When Ruby is napping there are a million things around the house that need to be done, or just five minutes if relaxation on the couch (I don't do nearly as much relaxing as I do housework). I needed something, so I went onto Pinterest and found 30 Day Exercise Challenges. It's great, depending on which one you pick, it only takes twenty minutes or so, and you can split them up throughout the day. Which is perfect for me! This months has squats, sit ups, crunches, jumping jacks, push ups and planking. I start in the morning after Ruby has breakfast, and if she lets me I can bang it all out while she plays in her high chair. She thinks squats are hilarious; her laugh is adorable so I keep going just to hear it.   
Some days we are able to great some exercise in other ways also, but it's a good feeling knowing that you are at least doing some sort of physical activity. I put my all into taking care of Ruby, it's nice to take care of myself as well.

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