Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Almost Walking

Ruby is ready to walk. She walks up and down the couch and coffee table. She no longer sits and plays, she has to be standing. She cracks me up, she's a wild woman. She will stand on the bottom of her bouncer and play with the toys from the outside. She lives dangerously :) 

Memorial Day Weekend

First of all I would like to thank all of those who have served and are serving now. You have all made this a safer place for us to live and I thank you for that. 
What a wonderful long weekend. It was full of decent weather and lots of family. 
We had a birthday dinner on Saturday for Josh's little sister Jackie. We went to one of the nice restaurants in Hampton with the whole Whitcomb family. Ruby stayed home with Laura; it was past her bedtime. After dinner Josh and I went and got Ryan for the rest of the long weekend. He was pretty tired and went straight to bed when we got home. 
Sunday Josh worked on his race car at his parents house. Me and the kiddos stayed home for the morning so Ruby could take her nap and then after we all had lunch we headed over to meet up with Josh. 
It was fun. Ruby, Ryan and myself went for a walk with Cynthia and Carter when we got down there. It was a beautiful day. It rained in the morning but cleared up in the afternoon for us. Once Josh and his father were done working on the race car I finally got to take a ride in it, because we had someone to keep an eye on the kids. It's very loud :) We took a ride past my parents old house in Hampton. Its very strange seeing different cars in the driveway. :/

Saturday night was a low-key night. Ruby went to bed early, she was tired from the busy day we had. Josh and Ryan watched videos of monster trucks on YouTube and I started sewing a few pillows that I'm making to match our new headboard and a giant one for Ruby to play on! 
Sunday was a yardwork day. Our friend Jimmy came over to help and hang out. I got the flowerbeds cleaned up while the guys cleaned around the new shed. Ruby watched from a blanket that she was playing on. She is not a fan of the dirt, she would touch it and be disgusted and pull her hand away. 

We had a cook out for dinner; barbecued some steak tips, chicken and green beans and had fancy fries with them. (Fancy fries are fries cooked with onion and bacon...delicious). Laura came over and had dinner with us and then we watched a movie. 
It was a really great weekend. I'm bummed that it's over and everyone's gone back to work. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Shed = Storage Solution

I love my house, I really do, but storage is an issue. We started spring cleaning and got rid of so much stuff, but there was a lot of stuff that we are keeping and needed a space of its own. 
We have a finished room in the basement and we'd like to use it as a office/play space but as of now it's storage. We also have an unfinished part of our basement that is used for storage that is full! The garage is full also. We are running out of space. So to reclaim some space we have invested in a shed. We will be able to put the pool, shovels, bikes, lawn mower, chairs, anything outdoorsy that doesn't need to be in the basement or garage in there. I am beyond excited, I'll be able to organize the entire basement, Josh will have his garage back and the porch will be clutter free and we can sit out there again yay!!! Now all we need is time to do all of that, and time now a days is hard to come by. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Drag N Fly 5k

What an awesome day! Ruby and I walked a 5k in Deerfield. It raises money for the local Preschool and Make a Wish. It was suppose to rain all day but at 9am it stopped, which was when we got to the starting line. The vet clinic I use to work for sponsors it so they have a team every year. And they let me be part of it. I walked it with the boss Jenni, my friend Heidi and one of the Drs husbands Chris and his adorable puppy. Dr Kim and Jen were part of the team also but they ran...I would not have made it running haha.
It was a tough course! A lot of up hill. Thank goodness I had Jenni and Heidi helping me with Ruby in the stroller :) she getting heavy after pushing her up hill for a mile! Of course Ruby napped and just relaxed as we all sweated up a storm. 
It was a great morning. I got to catch up with some really good friends and exercised! We crossed the finish line at 57 minutes...not too shabby :)
Kim, Ella(dog), Chris, Jenni, me, Ruby, Heidi, Jen and Brody(dog). 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Alex and Ani

I have a new obsession thanks to my husband and sister...Alex and Ani bangles! I got two for Mother's Day and went to the store yesterday to check out what other ones they have. They come in silver and gold and you get them with different charms on them. They are so fun. I found at least 5 more that I want. My arm is going to be full of them by the time I'm done getting all the ones I like :) 
They are made in the USA and in an eco friendly process. The company is all about positive energy, and each piece is infused with it. 
Here are the ones I received for Mother's Day. Peridot, Rubys birthstone. And a Mom charm. I love them, can't wait to get more!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

My First Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day. And it's been the most amazing day. I have a perfect husband and a beautiful daughter that took care of me today. I feel blessed to be able to have children, I know some people can't, so I am thankful everyday for my amazing daughter. 
This morning I got to relax while my husband took care of Ruby, the dogs and the cats. Then I was surprised with beautiful jewelry, roses and the most loving cards. After that breakfast in bed! 
The day just continued to get better from there. We got to have lunch and ice cream with my family and then Josh's parents came over to visit in the afternoon. It was a full day and the weather stayed beautiful. I must say I am exhausted. Now to finish the day off with Game of Thrones and Chinese food :)

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Trail Time

Today was beautiful out. The weatherman claimed that it was going to rain all day but be in the 70s. Well it was in the 70s but no rain in the afternoon! We took full advantage of it too. Myself, my mom, Ruby, Ryan and the dogs piled into my mothers car and drove to a state trail down the road. It was great! Ryan got to ride his bike, while Ruby enjoyed the ride in her stroller. She even took a nap on the way back :) Nikko absolutely loved it and Scrappy loved the beginning but slowed down towards the end. All in all a success. 
I've never walked down the trail before and we wanted to do something different today. Ryan said he wanted to go to the trail so that's what we did. 
One thing that was a bummer was the May flies were out and being extremely annoying. So next time I'm bringing bug spray and I need to invest in a bug screen to go over the stroller. Still a fun time had by all :)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

30 Day Workout Challenge

Finding time to exercise is tough now. When Ruby is napping there are a million things around the house that need to be done, or just five minutes if relaxation on the couch (I don't do nearly as much relaxing as I do housework). I needed something, so I went onto Pinterest and found 30 Day Exercise Challenges. It's great, depending on which one you pick, it only takes twenty minutes or so, and you can split them up throughout the day. Which is perfect for me! This months has squats, sit ups, crunches, jumping jacks, push ups and planking. I start in the morning after Ruby has breakfast, and if she lets me I can bang it all out while she plays in her high chair. She thinks squats are hilarious; her laugh is adorable so I keep going just to hear it.   
Some days we are able to great some exercise in other ways also, but it's a good feeling knowing that you are at least doing some sort of physical activity. I put my all into taking care of Ruby, it's nice to take care of myself as well.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Fancy New Improved Headboard

About 5 or 6 years ago I made a headboard out of a sheet of plywood, pretty fabric, fiberfill, and two by fours. The cats think that Josh's side is a scratching post, so myself, my mom and Ruby went to Jo Ann Fabrics and found this beautiful fabric. We cut it to size, Josh stapled it on while I pulled it tight and then he screwed the legs back on. Voila! Awesome new headboard. I love it! 
Next project...pillows to match with the extra fabric! 

Over Thinking

I am a thinker. Most of the time an over thinker. This has its pros and cons. I am constantly worried about Ruby, especially if she has the sniffles or isn't acting right. My mind instantly goes to the worst case scenario. So in that regard my overthinking is awful and can keep me up well into the night. Like a few nights ago when she wasn't acting right and doing things that she's never done before. Between Josh and myself we got her to sleep around 10:30, and then I couldn't fall asleep because I was paranoid and watched the monitor for hours to make sure she was ok. So yeah that's not the best. But my brain on overload is good when I'm thinking about life. Thinking about how I am so lucky to be able to spend my days with Ruby and my nights with my husband. Lucky to be with someone and it feel perfect, easy, and always fun. To feel excited when he comes home from work and still get that giddy smile when he walks in the door. Sometimes I find myself thinking it's a dream and then realizing that it is in fact real, it is my life and how lucky I am. 
I am blessed to have found my soul mate, for us to have a life together and a beautiful family. Life can sometimes be challenging but I know I never have to face anything alone. And for that I am grateful and so beyond happy to have married the man of my dreams.