Friday, July 25, 2014

Summer Fun

This summer has been so busy already and it's only half over!
There have been lots of birthday parties, lots of play dates, too many BBQs to count, what feels like a million errands and so much more. Last weekend we went to Storyland! It was the first time for a lot of our group, which made it that much better. We met my girlfriend Sue, her fiancé, and her son Charlie there. Ryan and Charlie are friends so they were stuck like glue to each other for the day. Also Sues brother and his daughter came along.
They have 10 rides Ruby could go on, and she loved them all. She even took a nap in the middle of all the fun :) Ruby and I took pictures of everyone on the rides that she couldn't go on, which didn't end up being that many in the end. It was a very full day. We left at 8am and ended up getting home at 9:45pm. Needless to say the kiddos slept all the way home and went straight to bed, with no protest, when we got there.
Wasn't half as stressful as I thought it would be. It was a good day had by all :)

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