Saturday, July 5, 2014

Making the Yard Beautiful

I have never had a green thumb. For the most part I can't keep plants alive at all. I love flowers and plants. I have always wanted a beautiful yard because we love to entertain and in the summer outside is where we like to be. So we have started sprucing it up for the summer fun activities that we have planned. 
This week we started with finishing up the dogs pen with rounded stone and making it secure. We also moved and set up the kiddos swing set, and weeded and mulched the flower bed and the front walkway. It really has brightened up the yard. 
My next outside project will be building up the side of the flower bed. I have a bunch of large rocks for the stone wall, I just need to figure out how to use cement properly and make it pretty at the same time. 
We will see how that goes! It should be fun. 

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