Monday, July 14, 2014

Paint Nite

My older sister told me about Paint Nite months ago, it sounded like a blast so I tried it. It's two hours one night and they have them all over the country. If you can find one near you I would strongly recommend doing it. 
There were about 50 people in the one we took. There is a teacher at the front of the room that walks you through how to paint the picture. They also have a bar which makes some peoples painting very interesting. The teacher walks around and helps anyone that needs it. It is a fun night out with the girls for sure. I plan on doing another soon with a couple of my girlfriends :) 
On the website they have all the different painting to choose from, what day they are on and where they are. It really is so much fun. Check out their website and find one you want to do!

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