Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Birthday Weekend

Well it's happened...I turned 30 yesterday. It wasn't too bad I guess, lots of thinking and then overthinking which never works out well for me. But all in all it was a good day. Ruby and I spent the morning playing and snuggling, then my parents came over in the afternoon and made dinner for us once Josh got home. My older sister stopped by as well. It was a great birthday. 
All the celebrating took place over the weekend. Josh surprised me with a Helicopter ride which was amazing. An hour tour of the seacoast, starting in Pease and going down the coast to Seabrook Beach and then all the way up to Maine. We saw a couple of Lighthouses, abandoned buildings, and got to check out places we've seen from the ground. It was so different seeing things from the sky. It was so fun and a complete surprise which makes it that much cooler. 
After our ride we had a birthday party to get ready for. We celebrated Laura's, my Dad's, mine, a family friend Pam's and Laura's friend Steph. Had a great cookout with lots of family and friends. It really was the perfect birthday weekend! I am one lucky lady :)

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