Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Laundry Time

Laundry use to be torture! I would have to hit the washer to get it to the spin cycle. But now that I have a new washer and dryer I love doing the laundry. My husband jokes that there is never any dirty clothes in the hampers, and there really never is. 
I was doing laundry yesterday and decided that I want to spruse the place up a bit. Maybe add a "Laundry" decal to the wall and I would love to have a counter over the washer and dryer for folding. I already have a shelf that holds the detergent, fabric softener, spot remover, dryer sheets, extra towels in a basket, and a jar for change that comes out of the dryer magically :)  
What does your laundry room have it in to make laundry time easier? 

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