Friday, July 18, 2014

Splash Pad

So we now have a favorite place to go on a hot day...the Splash Pad! We went yesterday and had a blast. Ruby got to hang out with her friends Noah and Avery, Ryan made a new friend Tyler and I got my adult time with Heather and Carrie. It's a win win win!
I wasn't completely sure what a Splash Pad was before we got there but it is a concrete slab with water jets that shoot out of the ground, they come out of poles, they can mist you or soak you, and they even have a bucket that dumps on your head. 
There is also two playgrounds, a big kids one and a little kids one. And a whole bunch of swings. It really does have it all. We spent three hours there and on the way home both of the kiddos passed out! 

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