Friday, July 25, 2014

Summer Fun

This summer has been so busy already and it's only half over!
There have been lots of birthday parties, lots of play dates, too many BBQs to count, what feels like a million errands and so much more. Last weekend we went to Storyland! It was the first time for a lot of our group, which made it that much better. We met my girlfriend Sue, her fiancé, and her son Charlie there. Ryan and Charlie are friends so they were stuck like glue to each other for the day. Also Sues brother and his daughter came along.
They have 10 rides Ruby could go on, and she loved them all. She even took a nap in the middle of all the fun :) Ruby and I took pictures of everyone on the rides that she couldn't go on, which didn't end up being that many in the end. It was a very full day. We left at 8am and ended up getting home at 9:45pm. Needless to say the kiddos slept all the way home and went straight to bed, with no protest, when we got there.
Wasn't half as stressful as I thought it would be. It was a good day had by all :)

Friday, July 18, 2014

Splash Pad

So we now have a favorite place to go on a hot day...the Splash Pad! We went yesterday and had a blast. Ruby got to hang out with her friends Noah and Avery, Ryan made a new friend Tyler and I got my adult time with Heather and Carrie. It's a win win win!
I wasn't completely sure what a Splash Pad was before we got there but it is a concrete slab with water jets that shoot out of the ground, they come out of poles, they can mist you or soak you, and they even have a bucket that dumps on your head. 
There is also two playgrounds, a big kids one and a little kids one. And a whole bunch of swings. It really does have it all. We spent three hours there and on the way home both of the kiddos passed out! 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Laundry Time

Laundry use to be torture! I would have to hit the washer to get it to the spin cycle. But now that I have a new washer and dryer I love doing the laundry. My husband jokes that there is never any dirty clothes in the hampers, and there really never is. 
I was doing laundry yesterday and decided that I want to spruse the place up a bit. Maybe add a "Laundry" decal to the wall and I would love to have a counter over the washer and dryer for folding. I already have a shelf that holds the detergent, fabric softener, spot remover, dryer sheets, extra towels in a basket, and a jar for change that comes out of the dryer magically :)  
What does your laundry room have it in to make laundry time easier? 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Paint Nite

My older sister told me about Paint Nite months ago, it sounded like a blast so I tried it. It's two hours one night and they have them all over the country. If you can find one near you I would strongly recommend doing it. 
There were about 50 people in the one we took. There is a teacher at the front of the room that walks you through how to paint the picture. They also have a bar which makes some peoples painting very interesting. The teacher walks around and helps anyone that needs it. It is a fun night out with the girls for sure. I plan on doing another soon with a couple of my girlfriends :) 
On the website they have all the different painting to choose from, what day they are on and where they are. It really is so much fun. Check out their website and find one you want to do!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Cousin Time

Ruby got to spend time with her cousin yesterday. They hung out in the baby pool and then played with a bunch of toys on the grass while we all had lunch. It was really nice spending time with my sister in law and her boyfriend. Adult time is always a plus when you have kids. I tend to put myself last now that I have Ruby, which I am completely ok with, it's just nice to hang out with another mom and our babies for a day :) 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Birthday Weekend

Well it's happened...I turned 30 yesterday. It wasn't too bad I guess, lots of thinking and then overthinking which never works out well for me. But all in all it was a good day. Ruby and I spent the morning playing and snuggling, then my parents came over in the afternoon and made dinner for us once Josh got home. My older sister stopped by as well. It was a great birthday. 
All the celebrating took place over the weekend. Josh surprised me with a Helicopter ride which was amazing. An hour tour of the seacoast, starting in Pease and going down the coast to Seabrook Beach and then all the way up to Maine. We saw a couple of Lighthouses, abandoned buildings, and got to check out places we've seen from the ground. It was so different seeing things from the sky. It was so fun and a complete surprise which makes it that much cooler. 
After our ride we had a birthday party to get ready for. We celebrated Laura's, my Dad's, mine, a family friend Pam's and Laura's friend Steph. Had a great cookout with lots of family and friends. It really was the perfect birthday weekend! I am one lucky lady :)

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Making the Yard Beautiful

I have never had a green thumb. For the most part I can't keep plants alive at all. I love flowers and plants. I have always wanted a beautiful yard because we love to entertain and in the summer outside is where we like to be. So we have started sprucing it up for the summer fun activities that we have planned. 
This week we started with finishing up the dogs pen with rounded stone and making it secure. We also moved and set up the kiddos swing set, and weeded and mulched the flower bed and the front walkway. It really has brightened up the yard. 
My next outside project will be building up the side of the flower bed. I have a bunch of large rocks for the stone wall, I just need to figure out how to use cement properly and make it pretty at the same time. 
We will see how that goes! It should be fun. 

Happy 4th of July!

This Fourth of July was the first one in years that we have not had a BBQ. It rained all day and night. Still was a good day. Hope everyone had a wonderful and dry 4th! 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Happy Canada Day

I would like to wish all my Canadian family and friends a happy Canada Day :) Be safe and enjoy the day! 
Picture via Google Images