Saturday, October 13, 2018

Compliment Away

Little rant here. So I heard someone complaining that they got complimented on their smile...Their smile, not their butt, their smile. There was no physical contact, just a man telling a woman she had a nice smile in passing.

I personally find no problem here, I also will take as many compliments as I can get. It feels good when someone says something nice to you. It will make my day if someone tells me I'm beautiful. (This happened a few months ago and I was on cloud nine)

I guess I just don't understand what woman want. Being one, this is confusing to me. I want to be respected, world peace, everyone to get along and just be nice. It's not much to ask.
When will people stop complaining about everything? Will they stop when men and women stop handing out compliments? Then they will complain that no one is kind. It's a vicious cycle that will never end because there will always be someone complaining about something. Someone that doesn't like this and someone who doesn't like that.

I compliment people all the time, does it make it different because I'm a woman?!?! It sure doesn't. It makes me feel good to tell someone "I love your hair" or "where did you get those boots?" or "you have a nice smile". I compliment because it makes me feel good, and I want to share that positive energy around as much as possible.

So I say smile and spread the love people. If someone says you have a nice smile, take it, because you know what you probably have a nice smile. Someone just wanted to be nice and point it out.

That person will probably never ever throw a compliment in anyone's direction ever again because of that one individual. And that my friend is sad. Sad for them, sad for the people who aren't offended by everything, and sad for the nice people of the world.

Lift people up with kindness, even if they don't deserve it.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Disney on Ice

For Christmas myself and my husband got our daughter Disney on Ice tickets. Today was the day! We planned it out to be a mommy daughter date, and it was an amazing day.
When I was younger I remember going to a few Disney on Ice shows, and I remember loving it. Well I have to say they did not disappoint. It was a wonderful show! This particular show was Passport to Adventure, which had Mickey and his crew traveling all over the world stopping at certain places along the way. First stop was The Lion King, then Peter Pan, then The Little Mermaid and finished up with Frozen. Each one was remarkable in its own way. I noticed that Peter Pan and Frozen were a lot longer than the other two.
We sat in the second section from the ice, 8 rows back, and the view was perfect. I also made sure that we got the aisle just incase there was someone tall in front of us, Ruby would still be able to see. Price wise I couldn't have asked for a better price. Mid 20s, not bad for our view. It was 2 hours long and had a 15 minute intermission.
The skaters were fantastic, I swear they should be in the Olympics. So many special effects, and the scene changes...I don't know how they all keep up, and not screw up. Just AMAZING!
We will be making this an annual event for sure. I have already seen an advertisement for another one I, I mean Ruby, would like to see.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Gratitude Journaling

One of my friends told me about gratitude journaling the other day, and I thought it might be just the thing I need right now. It is a journal that is all about things that you are grateful for. Positive thoughts, dreams and aspirations. Take some time at the end of each day, or whenever is convenient and write about something good that has happened to you or someone you know, even something that makes you smile. It can be anything you want, it's your journal. I think that everyone could use a little more positive energy in their lives right now.

I think I am going to give it a shot. I write in a journal everyday, but its not always positive and its not always a coherent thought. So lets see what we can do!

Today I am beyond grateful that my parents live so close to me. I get to spend more time with them and they get to spend more time with my beautiful children, and me of course. 😍 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Post Election Drama

So I don’t talk politics because I hate all the drama it brings. It divides friends and families. And why, just because you have a difference in opinions?!?
Well here is what I have to say, suck it up. One side wins, one side loses. Let’s all be gracious winners, and losers and band together and fix the country. Isn't that what's important here? Or have people lost sight of that while spewing all the hate. It doesn’t matter who’s running the country, all that matters is that sh*t gets done and sh*t gets fixed. He would not have been elected if at least half the USA didn't believe in him and his policy's. So you don’t like the new president, who cares! He won, stop bitching about him. How is that helping anyone? Its making you look like my toddler when she throws a fit because she didn’t get her own way. The election is over, it’s done, and he’s in so please shhhh your face. Bottom line there is nothing that you can do, so accept it, or move out of the country. No one wants to hear the whining anymore.  
I don't know about you, but I am getting pretty sick of listening to it all.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

A little fun for Wednesday

It's harder than you think.... No using Google!!! Every answer must start with the first letter of your first name. It's fun... Who doesn't love the game of Scattergoriez?! Come on! Try it!!! 

Name - Heather
Animal - Horse
Boy's Name - Henry
Girl's Name - Harriet
Color - Hazel
Movie- Hocus Pocus
Something you wear - Hat
Drink - Heinkein 
Food - Hummus
Item in the bathroom - Hand towel
Place - Houston, Texas
Reason to be late - Headache

Give it a try! 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Being a mom of two young kiddos

I remember when I was pregnant with my son, someone told me that it would be pretty much the same once he got here. They said what's adding one more? Well adding one more completely changed everything, changed our whole family dynamic. There is no mom time anymore. When one is sleeping the other one is up. Once Ruby goes to bed Max decides it's go time. Everything takes an hour longer. There's no grabbing a juice and walking out the door with my toddler. Having an infant and toddler is tough.
At the moment it is midnight, and Max just decided to get up. He will be up till at least 2 AM. This is just what he does. But it's ok, my body is slowly getting used to 4 to 5 hours of sleep a night, and then going flat out until the following night. 
Today I had time to clean the kitchen. I was so happy with myself that I squeezed some cleaning in to our busy day. That was short-lived, when I walked into the bathroom and saw how messy it was. Totally crushed me. 
Two kids so much harder than one. I love them so much, so it's so worth it. Plus I heard it gets easier. Just take it one day at a time.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Potty Time

So it's potty training time. My daughter is very smart, so I thought she would potty train easily. Not so much. She is just not into it. I have heard people say when she's ready she will and I think that's so true. She has no interest whatsoever right now, but I know that won't be the case forever. 
It doesn't help that she has hit the terrible twos and she's hit it hatd. I never knew someone so little could be so cranky. Oh the tantrums that have been thrown and I'm sure there will be lots more. It just comes with the territory, and I'm ok with that. 
The tantrums would be easier to deal with if my son would let me sleep for more than 4 hours at night. He thinks 2am is bedtime, and then I'm up with my husband at 6. Sleep deprivation is in full force but I seem to be adjusting to it really well. 
As I wrote this Max and I are watching HGTV and it's 1am. He's wide eyed and smiling away. Life is good, hectic but good.