Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Post Election Drama

So I don’t talk politics because I hate all the drama it brings. It divides friends and families. And why, just because you have a difference in opinions?!?
Well here is what I have to say, suck it up. One side wins, one side loses. Let’s all be gracious winners, and losers and band together and fix the country. Isn't that what's important here? Or have people lost sight of that while spewing all the hate. It doesn’t matter who’s running the country, all that matters is that sh*t gets done and sh*t gets fixed. He would not have been elected if at least half the USA didn't believe in him and his policy's. So you don’t like the new president, who cares! He won, stop bitching about him. How is that helping anyone? Its making you look like my toddler when she throws a fit because she didn’t get her own way. The election is over, it’s done, and he’s in so please shhhh your face. Bottom line there is nothing that you can do, so accept it, or move out of the country. No one wants to hear the whining anymore.  
I don't know about you, but I am getting pretty sick of listening to it all.

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