Wednesday, April 16, 2014

New England Weather

The weather the last week has been crazy! On Monday it was beautiful 75°, I was in a tank top and flip-flops. This morning when I woke up there was snow on the ground and it was 35°. Not fun. Ruby was up and ready to play last night so we were up at 1 AM and I could hear the sleet and snow, so I wasn't shocked when I woke up and saw white stuff on the ground this morning. This is New England though, so this is normal. Summer one day winter the next.
The sun is shining and almost all of the snow has melted, but it's still cold. So it looks like today will be spent inside cleaning up for our Sunday brunch, and decorating for Easter. And if I get around to it maybe making a couple hooded towels. We will see how the day goes, and will see if little Miss Ruby cooperates. :)

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