Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Sunday

Happy Easter!
It was a wonderful day. Spent the morning with my sisters at our house and had a BBQ brunch. It was delicious. Hamburgers, pasta salad and cupcakes with mini eggs in them... Yummy. Got to FaceTime with my parents who are spending Easter in Florida and my Aunts who are in Canada. Technology is a wonderful thing. 
After lunch we headed to Josh's parents house for coffee and more dessert. His entire family was there so it was fun. Myself and Ruby hung out in the house with the girls and Carter, and Josh hung out in the garage with the guys for a bit. Then we all came together for dessert. Carter taught Ruby how to climb the stairs and off she went, with me in tow. She's a quick learner :) 
I ate way too much chocolate but it was a wonderful Easter.

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