Friday, April 18, 2014

Baby Sitting

Today was a fun day. I had a bunch of errands to run because of course I left them all til the end of the week and my sister in law calls me and asks me to watch my nephew, Carter, for the afternoon (he's 13 months). Of course I said yes, I don't mind at all, I just had to figure out how to fit everything into the morning.
I actually lucked out, my husband had the day off, so I didn't have to rush around. I put off one thing til tomorrow but for the most part today was a success!
Josh got a bunch of yard work done and I hung inside with the kiddos. They are both crawling and standing so they kept me on my toes all day long. Carter wasn't feeling great yesterday so he couldn't go to daycare, 24 hour daycare rule. So I attempted to keep his toys and Rubys separate...of course it didn't work, so my fingers are crossed that she doesn't get sick for Easter weekend. I have cleaned everything, pack and play, toys, blankets, etc. even Lysoled the couches and carpet. Tomorrow will tell if she gets sick. Not much you can do. Kids get sick. 
All in all it was a productive yet exhausting day, and I am ready for bed!

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