Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Cancelled Play Date

Ruby was suppose to have a play date with two adorable little babies today but both of them are sick. So it got rescheduled to next week. We decided to have our own play date, just Ruby and myself :) we are playing dress up and having a photo shoot. 
Ruby is Cinderella today! 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

April Vacation

I have had a very busy week. My step son is on school vacation this week and came down on Wednesday and I just dropped him off an hour ago. He was great but likes to be around someone 24/7, and Josh was working so that someone was me. We did something everyday so no one got bored.
One day we went to Walmart and got a few groceries and then played outside. Another day we filled up my parents trailer with all the trash that has been collecting in the house and the next day my father, Josh and Ryan brought it to the dump. We also cleaned up a room in our house that has potential to become a playroom/office. 
We played with lots of cars and practiced writing lower case and upper case letters. We also read at least two books a day. Ryan is getting very good at writing and reading. Ruby enjoyed him reading a rubber ducky book to her. 
Today was the icing on the cake for Ryan. I made plans with my girlfriend and her son to meet up at the park and play. So myself, Ruby and Ryan went to the park and played for two hours. (While Josh was stuck home doing yard work and homework) I was exhausted watching them! It was also nice to catch up with my friend while the boys tuckered themselves out. 
All in all we had a great five days and there were no issues. Ruby enjoyed her time with her brother as always and Ryan did too. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Sunday

Happy Easter!
It was a wonderful day. Spent the morning with my sisters at our house and had a BBQ brunch. It was delicious. Hamburgers, pasta salad and cupcakes with mini eggs in them... Yummy. Got to FaceTime with my parents who are spending Easter in Florida and my Aunts who are in Canada. Technology is a wonderful thing. 
After lunch we headed to Josh's parents house for coffee and more dessert. His entire family was there so it was fun. Myself and Ruby hung out in the house with the girls and Carter, and Josh hung out in the garage with the guys for a bit. Then we all came together for dessert. Carter taught Ruby how to climb the stairs and off she went, with me in tow. She's a quick learner :) 
I ate way too much chocolate but it was a wonderful Easter.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Baby Sitting

Today was a fun day. I had a bunch of errands to run because of course I left them all til the end of the week and my sister in law calls me and asks me to watch my nephew, Carter, for the afternoon (he's 13 months). Of course I said yes, I don't mind at all, I just had to figure out how to fit everything into the morning.
I actually lucked out, my husband had the day off, so I didn't have to rush around. I put off one thing til tomorrow but for the most part today was a success!
Josh got a bunch of yard work done and I hung inside with the kiddos. They are both crawling and standing so they kept me on my toes all day long. Carter wasn't feeling great yesterday so he couldn't go to daycare, 24 hour daycare rule. So I attempted to keep his toys and Rubys separate...of course it didn't work, so my fingers are crossed that she doesn't get sick for Easter weekend. I have cleaned everything, pack and play, toys, blankets, etc. even Lysoled the couches and carpet. Tomorrow will tell if she gets sick. Not much you can do. Kids get sick. 
All in all it was a productive yet exhausting day, and I am ready for bed!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

New England Weather

The weather the last week has been crazy! On Monday it was beautiful 75°, I was in a tank top and flip-flops. This morning when I woke up there was snow on the ground and it was 35°. Not fun. Ruby was up and ready to play last night so we were up at 1 AM and I could hear the sleet and snow, so I wasn't shocked when I woke up and saw white stuff on the ground this morning. This is New England though, so this is normal. Summer one day winter the next.
The sun is shining and almost all of the snow has melted, but it's still cold. So it looks like today will be spent inside cleaning up for our Sunday brunch, and decorating for Easter. And if I get around to it maybe making a couple hooded towels. We will see how the day goes, and will see if little Miss Ruby cooperates. :)

Monday, April 14, 2014

Hooded Towels

I've been trying to find a craft that I like to do. I've tried all kinds of different things from painting, latch hook, scrapbooking, and now I'm onto sewing. My newest project is hooded towels. Not going to lie, they are pretty cool. I've made four so far and have plans to make a bunch more. When I started making them I started making them for my daughter and my nephew. Who are eight months and a year. But the towels are big enough for an adult, and who doesn't like a hooded towel! They are seriously fine. The next one on my list is a Sponge Bob one for my stepson. He was over last weekend and asked me where it was. So I think it's time to get going on them again. I was having a fight with my sewing machine, but I think it's time for us to make up. :) 

I made this green one for my little sister for her birthday. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Family Walk

Beautiful weather here in New Hamphire today! So nice that we decided to take a walk. It was great. Ryan rode his bike, Josh walked the dogs and I pushed Ruby in her stroller. About halfway through the walk Scrappy got tired so we put him in the bottom of the stroller and he sat down and enjoyed the ride. Nikko was so happy to be out and walking again. When we got back he took a nap while we all had lunch. 
Ruby had a good time too. Just taking in the scenery. It was a perfect way to start the day. I'm sure there will be many many more family walks in the future. 
All the guys (dogs included) up ahead.
Scrappy taking a break in the stroller.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Spring has Sprung

Spring has finally arrived in New Hampshire! And I must say it has taken way too long this year. I just looked at the 7 day forecast and everyday it's going to be in the high 40s or in the 50s. 
It's amazing how much better you feel when the suns out and it's even kind of warm! Hooray for Spring!