Thursday, October 2, 2014

Time to get moving

Now that Fall is officially here, I've decided that I need to start walking more. I know it's a bit backwards, I don't know why I didn't start in the spring. I guess that would've made too much sense! Haha. So every morning Ruby, Nikko and myself go for a mile and a half walk. Ultimately I would like to take part in one of these fun runs that so many people do. But I need to work myself up to that, so for now we are walking. 
On Tuesday we went for our walk and I noticed when we were almost home that Ruby was missing both of her socks. She really hates wearing socks! We were going to find them Wednesday but it was downpouring so we stayed in. So the rescue mission was put off until this morning. I'm happy to report that we found the missing socks, they were sopping wet but we found them :) 

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