Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Holiday Season

It's the holiday season again! What is your favorite holiday? Mine used to be Halloween, but that was before I had Ruby. I use to love the Halloween parties and dressing up, now that seems like way too much work. I always loved Christmas as well. Now it's definitely my favorite holiday. 
I love giving presents and seeing peoples faces when they open them. And now I have Ruby to shop for and this year she'll be able to really rip open the presents and play in the paper. Last year shewas four  months old at Christmas time so she couldn't really enjoy it. She liked looking at the lights on the Christmas tree but there was no opening gifts. So this year will be so much fun for her and for me and Josh watching her.
Even though the weather is getting cold, and it's dark until seven in the morning, this is still my favorite time of year. Got so many's different celebrations going on in a three-month span. It's just so much fun. Lots of visiting family, and just spending quality time with loved ones. What more could you ask for!

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