Saturday, January 28, 2017

Disney on Ice

For Christmas myself and my husband got our daughter Disney on Ice tickets. Today was the day! We planned it out to be a mommy daughter date, and it was an amazing day.
When I was younger I remember going to a few Disney on Ice shows, and I remember loving it. Well I have to say they did not disappoint. It was a wonderful show! This particular show was Passport to Adventure, which had Mickey and his crew traveling all over the world stopping at certain places along the way. First stop was The Lion King, then Peter Pan, then The Little Mermaid and finished up with Frozen. Each one was remarkable in its own way. I noticed that Peter Pan and Frozen were a lot longer than the other two.
We sat in the second section from the ice, 8 rows back, and the view was perfect. I also made sure that we got the aisle just incase there was someone tall in front of us, Ruby would still be able to see. Price wise I couldn't have asked for a better price. Mid 20s, not bad for our view. It was 2 hours long and had a 15 minute intermission.
The skaters were fantastic, I swear they should be in the Olympics. So many special effects, and the scene changes...I don't know how they all keep up, and not screw up. Just AMAZING!
We will be making this an annual event for sure. I have already seen an advertisement for another one I, I mean Ruby, would like to see.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Gratitude Journaling

One of my friends told me about gratitude journaling the other day, and I thought it might be just the thing I need right now. It is a journal that is all about things that you are grateful for. Positive thoughts, dreams and aspirations. Take some time at the end of each day, or whenever is convenient and write about something good that has happened to you or someone you know, even something that makes you smile. It can be anything you want, it's your journal. I think that everyone could use a little more positive energy in their lives right now.

I think I am going to give it a shot. I write in a journal everyday, but its not always positive and its not always a coherent thought. So lets see what we can do!

Today I am beyond grateful that my parents live so close to me. I get to spend more time with them and they get to spend more time with my beautiful children, and me of course. 😍 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Post Election Drama

So I don’t talk politics because I hate all the drama it brings. It divides friends and families. And why, just because you have a difference in opinions?!?
Well here is what I have to say, suck it up. One side wins, one side loses. Let’s all be gracious winners, and losers and band together and fix the country. Isn't that what's important here? Or have people lost sight of that while spewing all the hate. It doesn’t matter who’s running the country, all that matters is that sh*t gets done and sh*t gets fixed. He would not have been elected if at least half the USA didn't believe in him and his policy's. So you don’t like the new president, who cares! He won, stop bitching about him. How is that helping anyone? Its making you look like my toddler when she throws a fit because she didn’t get her own way. The election is over, it’s done, and he’s in so please shhhh your face. Bottom line there is nothing that you can do, so accept it, or move out of the country. No one wants to hear the whining anymore.  
I don't know about you, but I am getting pretty sick of listening to it all.