Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Kitty Drama

I am a very proud pet parent. I have 2 dogs, 3 cats and 2 lizards. If my husband had it his way he would expand our furry family, but so far I'm doing a good job delaying it. :)
Last week one of my cats had to go in for surgery. Myself and Ruby dropped her off at 7am and picked her up at 5pm. She wasn't even gone 12 hours. 
We got back to the vets to pick her up and went over all the home care and medicine that she would be taking for the next 3-4 days and then we got her all packed up and ready to go home. The ride home was quiet, she was tired and still a little out of it. As soon as we walked in the door the other cats went on high alert! Puffing up from head to tail, and hissing like I've never heard before. They did not recognized her at all. She smelled different and they were not ok with that at all. Then they turned on each other. It was pure chaos! Hissing, swatting, chasing and hitting. So needless to say everyone had to be separated. 
It took days of getting to know each other again before everyone was ok. They were a handful. I played referee for 3 days. It was no fun. I am so glad that everyone is back to normal and loving each other again. That was stressful haha. 

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