Saturday, February 7, 2015 present ever

For Christmas I asked my husband for a Fitbit. Christmas morning came and I got a bright pink Fitbit Flex. You wear it as a bracelet and it tracks all your movement throughout the day. 
When you get it you make an account online and set up your goals. It tracks your steps, how many miles you've gone, how many active minutes you've done, it can also track your exercise. There are so many cool options like you can keep track of your water intake and sleep patterns! 
I absolutely love it! I make sure I reach my goals everyday, even if I have to walk in place while watching some tv before going to bed :) I have a hard time getting motivated to exercise sometimes, but with the Fitbit I can keep track and get moving. You can also follow your friends and cheer them on! It really was the best present :) 

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