Friday, January 23, 2015

Manly Coasters

I wanted to make everyone in my family something for Christmas even the men. My husband is hard to shop for because he wants nothing, has everything and if he doesn't have it it's a million dollars. So needless to say finding something to make for him that he would like was tough. 
I searched Pinterest for what felt like years and finally found something...coasters made from Hex-Nuts. 488 hex nuts and 3 tubes of super glue later, I had 8 coasters. A gift for my husband and my father in law. 
I just picked the design that I wanted and started glueing the nuts to a thin piece of cork board. After I had them all glued on I let them sit overnight before I cut them out. I slapped a coat of Mod Podge on them and they were good to go! 
They both really loved them! 

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