Monday, January 26, 2015

Blizzard of 2015, I'm ready!

It's that time of year....Blizzard time! It really couldn't come at a worse time. But I have no control over it so I will do my best to be prepared. I've started filling water jugs and making sure that the flashlights work and I have extra batteries.
I actually got a call this morning from my electrician friend saying that he will be over this morning to hook up the generator and show me how to use it! So that will be a huge help because there is no doubt in my mind that we will lose power it's just when will we. (We lose power if the wind blows too hard).
So now to get my girl ready and off to the grocery store to see what is left in the way of food. I really just need a handful of things but people really start to panic when they hear snow is coming. I also need to grab a can or two of gas. 
It's going to be an interesting couple of days. But I know I can do this. 

Here's a before picture. Will post more as the storm goes on.
10:30am Tuesday

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