Friday, January 9, 2015

Koala Mittens

I read an article today about the wildfires in Australia and how lots of koalas have been badly burned. So the International Fund for Animal Welfare is asking people to sew mittens for the koalas burned paws. So of course I'm on board and ready to start sewing! I've got the pattern printed out and the address written down. Now to buy a sheet made of 100% cotton and off I'll go making as many as I can get out of that sheet. I've even recruited my Mom to make some too. 
I feel so bad when animals are hurt, so I'm glad that I can do something for them. 
Check out the link with the full story. It's heartbreaking but it's awesome to see so many people donating hand made koala mittens. I'll share our finished products when we they are complete!,,20890122,00.html

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