Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Things I Believe

1) I believe that true love does exist. I believe that there is one person for everyone that completes you. 
2) Everyone should have a pet at one point in their lives. They can bring so much joy and love to you. 
3) There are good honest people out there, you just have to find them.
4) If you love your job then it's not really work. 
5) Laughter is the best medicine.
6) Giving is better than receiving.
7) You should never judge people by their race, gender, sexuality, nationality, or religion. Get to know someone for who they are, before you jump to conclusions.
8) Always get both sides of the story. 
9) Never go to bed angry.
10) Always kiss your children and spouse good night. 
11) Never hold onto hate. Let it go, you will be much happier. 
12) Spend time with people you love. 
13) Read to your kids daily.
14) Take lots pictures. Pictures are memories on paper (or a computer screen) that you can look at time and time again. 
15) Everything happens for a reason. This one I believe with everything that I have. It is the way I live my life. 

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