Sunday, November 23, 2014

Blast from the past

It's so crazy how some things bring you back to a certain time in your life. It could be seeing a person that you haven't seen in a long time, a song that comes on the radio, even a random text message. It can bring back lots of memories; some memories that you had tucked away for a reason. And in that one moment they all come rushing back. 
That happened to me the other day. And just in that second it all came back to me. All the good times and all the bad. And I'm an analyzer, so I just go over things again and again in my head. 
Sometimes it's a nice reminder though. You can take a trip down memory lane and when you get back you really appreciate all you have now and how far you have come. Good things can come out of bad situations, and you learn and grow from it. 
I really could not be happier with how my life has turned out. Life is good. 

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