Saturday, November 29, 2014

Festival of Trees

Now that Thanksgiving is over the Christmas season is officially upon us. We kicked things off yesterday with the festival of trees. It was our first time going, but some of my family had already been the last few years. There were over 240 spectacular trees that were donated by businesses, organizations and people. You buy raffle tickets and put them in for whichever tree that you like, or trees that you like. We put our tickets in for multiple trees. Then when the festival is over there is a drawing for each tree, and if your ticket gets drawn you win the tree and whatever is on it. 
All the proceeds go to historic preservation projects in the area. One of the projects is in our town! 
They had some really fun trees and all of them were different. Ruby loved the lights and all the sparkly ornaments. 
I think we have found another family tradition. Speaking of tradition we are now off to get our Christmas tree! 

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