Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Being a mom of two young kiddos

I remember when I was pregnant with my son, someone told me that it would be pretty much the same once he got here. They said what's adding one more? Well adding one more completely changed everything, changed our whole family dynamic. There is no mom time anymore. When one is sleeping the other one is up. Once Ruby goes to bed Max decides it's go time. Everything takes an hour longer. There's no grabbing a juice and walking out the door with my toddler. Having an infant and toddler is tough.
At the moment it is midnight, and Max just decided to get up. He will be up till at least 2 AM. This is just what he does. But it's ok, my body is slowly getting used to 4 to 5 hours of sleep a night, and then going flat out until the following night. 
Today I had time to clean the kitchen. I was so happy with myself that I squeezed some cleaning in to our busy day. That was short-lived, when I walked into the bathroom and saw how messy it was. Totally crushed me. 
Two kids so much harder than one. I love them so much, so it's so worth it. Plus I heard it gets easier. Just take it one day at a time.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Potty Time

So it's potty training time. My daughter is very smart, so I thought she would potty train easily. Not so much. She is just not into it. I have heard people say when she's ready she will and I think that's so true. She has no interest whatsoever right now, but I know that won't be the case forever. 
It doesn't help that she has hit the terrible twos and she's hit it hatd. I never knew someone so little could be so cranky. Oh the tantrums that have been thrown and I'm sure there will be lots more. It just comes with the territory, and I'm ok with that. 
The tantrums would be easier to deal with if my son would let me sleep for more than 4 hours at night. He thinks 2am is bedtime, and then I'm up with my husband at 6. Sleep deprivation is in full force but I seem to be adjusting to it really well. 
As I wrote this Max and I are watching HGTV and it's 1am. He's wide eyed and smiling away. Life is good, hectic but good. 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Sunday Funday

Hope everyone had an a good weekend. Today was a beautiful day in NH. Myself, my husband and our two kiddos took a ride to a State Park on the beach. We walked the trails, walked the beach and then finished up at the playground. It was a great end to a perfect low key weekend. It is very rare we get those so we took full advantage of if. The next month is going to be chaotic so it's nice to squeeze in some relaxing family time. 

Friday, April 15, 2016

Happy Friday

This made me giggle. Hope everyone had an awesome week! Enjoy the weekend!