Friday, September 4, 2015

Something that stresses you out

So it says something not someone, so something that stresses me out.... I am an anxious person, always have been. I think too much and worry a lot, usually for no reason. One thing that bugs me everyday is the ceiling on one side of the house. Last winter was crazy cold and we got a ton of snow. There is not enough insulation on the left side of our house, so we got ice dams and the roof leaked a little. So simple fix, need to get new insulation and put it in and then use Killz on the spot where it leaked. Only problem is its soooo very hot in the attic right now that it's a job for the Fall. So I have to look at it everyday. Really not a big deal just annoying and stressful waiting until Fall to fix it. I like things done right away. Get it done and over with. So waiting for things to get fixed that I can't do myself stresses me out. 

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