Tuesday, March 10, 2015

One Year Ago...

Well it has been a year since I started this blog! Crazy how time flies. It has been an amazing year. Ruby is learning new things everyday and surprises me all the time. She is one smart cookie. I am so lucky to be able to stay home with her while she young and see all the firsts and teach her all the things she needs to know at this age. To help her learn and blossom into the awesome little girl that she is. I get to do all of that because of my wonderful husband. Without him it would not be possible. He really is the best! 
In the last year I've become pretty good at sewing and make home cooked meals every night of the week. The house is also pretty much clean and the laundry is always done. Even though I am not working right now I feel good about what I contribute to our family :) 
I love writing on here even if no one follows it. I like to be able to express myself and share things I've made, or places we've been. This is my me time. This is one thing that is all for me. And that is rare these days, everything is for Josh or Ruby. I love my family and I love taking care of them. So this is for me, even if no one sees it :) 
Pic via Pinterest

1 comment:

  1. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading about your adventures, creations and thoughts…a wonderful chronicle of the year...
