Friday, March 27, 2015


Now that I am a stay at home mom I've been trying to make everyone in my family something for their birthdays. This year I started planning a little late and missed a couple :( I'll catch up with them for Christmas.
I will attempt to make anything but trying to find the perfect thing is my challenge. My sister Gillian's birthday is next week and she is pretty tough to shop for. I have been wanted to make myself an apron for sometime now so I decided that I would make one for Gillian first. Her boyfriend does all the cooking but it will still be cute even if it's just for decoration. 
She really loves Harry Potter so I found the cutest Harry Potter apron on Pinterest. It was posted on a blog called Dirt, Lace & Love. I used what she had done as a template and switched some things to make it my own. For my first apron I must saw I'm pretty happy with how it came out :) We'll see what Gillian thinks of it at her Birthday Party tomorrow! 

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