Friday, June 19, 2015

Last Day of School

The last few weeks I haven't been able to get out of my own way so I apologize for not posting anything for a week or so. 

Today was Ryans last day of school! He ended up going home early because he has an ear infection :( But school is over for the year! 
Yesterday at his school they had Fun Day. His school did it last year as well. The day is spent doing fun things, movies, crafts, games, snow cones, bubbles and lunch with family. So Ruby and I met Ryans mom at the school to have lunch with him on the field. It's always cool seeing him at school, we do all kinds of homework but never see him there in action. So it was fun. Ruby loves seeing him and spending time with him.
We were supposed to get him today but we decided with the ear infection he would probably want to be home for now anyway. So we will get him tomorrow and he can stay until next week sometime. We have some playdates set up and a few outings and things to accomplish around the house. So I will have another little helper for the week. 
I can't wait to see his Report Card, I bet he did great.

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