Monday, December 29, 2014

New Years Goals

With New Years right around the corner I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do in 2015. I'm not going to make resolutions but I am going to make some goals for different aspects of my life. 
I found a bunch of printables but none of them were exactly what I was looking for, so I made my own. It has seven sections. Health, home, children, spouse, work, pets, and misc. Now comes the fun part...filling it all in. I want to write down a couple of things that I want to do in each section over the year. It could be daily things, weekly things, or even one time things. For example in health I put drink 64 oz of water a day, and in home I put organize all of my boxes in the basement. It really can be anything that you want to do over the next year.
I love writing things down and making lists so this is right up my alley! If it's written down it has a better chance of getting completed. Plus there is also that satisfaction of checking off something she you have completed it! That is the best feeling. 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Skating with Santa

Took the kids to skate with Santa today. Ruby is still too little so she watched, ate snacks and napped.
I went out first with Ryan...I haven't been on skates for two years but it was like riding a bike. Ryan did well with the bar that you can skate around with. He fell a lot without it. But it was fun. His friend Charlie also came and they were trying to race which turned into them falling even more. 
Josh and I switched half way through and he went out with Ryan while Ruby and I walked around the rink. She actually saw Santa heading to the rink with his red sack and he stopped and gave her a candy cane and a pencil. Then he was off to hand out candy to the kids skating. 
Ryan on the ground and Charlie trying to help :)

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Scrappy's turning 12!

In 10 short days my first born furry child is turning 12! He is such a good dog I wanted to do something nice for him. We bought him some treats and a toy but I wanted to do something special for him. So I made him a new dog bed. I used the same measurements as I did for Rubys giant floor pillow. I think he will love it! His favorite thing to do sleep so I think it's perfect :) 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Being a Stepmom

I read this on Facebook today. It's a letter to a women's daughters stepmom (that's a mouthful). It is really well written and all around touching. I know a lot of people that have step children and most don't have great relationships with the child's other parent. It's nice to read about some one who got over the "ex issue" and both sides are in it for the child. There is nothing easy about being a step parent. You give and give and it usually goes unnoticed. All that matters at the end of the day is that the child is loved.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Oh Christmas Tree

Our tree is up! We went out the Saturday after Thanksgiving and picked one out. We go to the same place every year. It's local and they donate some of the proceeds to Make A Wish. 
The only thing I don't like about real trees is all the pine needles that fall off. I will be vacuuming them up until July! But it smells amazing in here and Josh loves it so that's enough for me.