Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Finished Master Bath

I started and finished the Master Bath facelift while Josh was away. I wanted to surprise him with a nice new pretty bathroom. I made the picture that is hanging up and the towel hooks. Only thing that I would like to do in there now is to refinish the shower and put a glass door on it. I am not a fan of shower curtains; I hate when they stick to me when I'm in there. But that will be a project for another year! Way too time consuming for right now. 
I wish I had taken a before picture. The walls were cream and had holes in them from the old towel racks. And the window was put in recently so it was not painted and all around messy looking. 

Next project is making Rubys Halloween costume, then onto making Christmas presents. 
And I'm hoping to start the playroom by the end of the year. Fingers crossed!

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