Friday, August 29, 2014

Girls Day at The Zoo

I have a love hate relationship with the zoo. I love seeing all the animals but I hate that they are in cages and not in the wild. But as my sister said if they were to let them go right now they would not survive. They get plenty of food, atleast they look well fed, and they get medical attention if needed. I can't imagine being stared at all day would be fun but maybe they don't care. 
But enough about that...Laura and I brought Ruby to visit the zoo for the first time yesterday and it was really fun. I have a funny feeling that Laura and I enjoyed the animals more than Ruby but she seemed to have a good time watching all the people and in the end really loved the butterflies. I can imagine it would be pretty hard for her to see the animals in the big cages that were hiding all the way in the back. But she did try and pet the goats and deer while Laura and I fed them. 
It was a lot of fun for everyone. 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Awesome Saturday!

Today was awesome! The last few days I have been so unmotivated it's not even funny. But today I woke up and got going. Started with feeding all the furry animals, and when Ruby got up got her ready for the day. We played, read stories and all around made a mess! So then had to clean the entire house, vacuumed, cleaned the microwave, did multiple loads of laundry and put them away (one point for me!). Made one hooded towel, and started two others. I also painted the plaques for my towel hooks! Now to make dinner :) 
I guess the key to a productive day is starting off that way. I find it really hard to get productive in the middle of the day. It's amazing how good you feel when you get things accomplished. :)

Friday, August 15, 2014

Beach Day

Yesterday Ruby had her first official visit to the beach. We got all packed up and headed off in the morning to meet her friends and mine. Once we got there we realized that none of us had checked when high tide...oppps. It ended up that it wasn't until 2, so we had plenty of time. Ruby and Noah played in the water and put sand all over each other, while poor Tyler thought the waves were going to get him. In all reality the waves were pretty big and he did get hit in the face with one as soon as we got there. So he had every right to be scared. 
The tide came in pretty quickly and took over the beach. So the beach day was cut short but still a lot of fun. Next time we need to plan it for around the tides. 

Birthday Wishes

The birthday fun is over. Ruby is officially 1! So crazy how fast the time went by. 
We had a great birthday weekend. Her party was perfect. Lots of friends and family came. The weather was great; cloudy at some points but no rain. We had a great turn out, 33 people for a one year olds birthday party. Thanks to all that came :) We even had family from Canada fly down for it. It was really just the greatest. I still can't believe that she is one, it blows my mind. 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Share a Coke

So it took about a month and I found 3 of the 4 names I was looking for on the "Share a Coke" bottles. 
Once I found them I had to figure out what to do with them. I decided to fill them with sand and use them as decoration. Well I did not buy enough sand so now I'm waiting for the rest to arrive. 
My bottle is now my bracelet holder :) It still needs alittle more sand but you can get the gist of it. 
They did not have Rubys name so she got the word family. Hers will be a bracelet holder as well until she decides what to use it for. Now what to use the guys bottles for....

Friday, August 1, 2014

August Already!

It's August already! In a week Ruby will be one, I can't believe it. She has grown up so fast. The year has flown by in the blink of an eye. 
I have a funny feeling that next week is going to be an emotional one for me. My baby is going to be one year old...I am still having a hard time wrapping my head around it. Maybe it's because I know I'm going to be a basket case! 
We have done so much in this year. From taking her first vacation to Florida to swim lessons with her friends. There have been so many firsts and I've written them all down. I am looking forward to many more firsts with her and many many more memories to be made.