Sunday, March 20, 2016

Feeling Like Myself Today

Well our baby boy was born the beginning of February. He is a very happy and healthy baby. We named him Max. He is not a huge fan of sleeping at night so I am beyond exhausted. 

Having two kiddos under three is quite a challenge. When I had Ruby I could nap when she napped so it wasn't a big deal that she didn't sleep at night. Well now that's not the case. If I want to nap I need to hope that they both are asleep at the same time. My mother has been wonderful, I would have been such a mess if she didn't come over and give me a hand so I can nap, clean, or do laundry. 

Today was the first day in almost 6 weeks that I have felt like myself. I got a chance to start to organize my extremely messy kitchen and living room. And I also got to start a sewing project, which I haven't done since before Christmas. It's nice to feel like you are accomplishing things. And taking a few minutes out to do something that I enjoy was great.

I'm hoping to have more days like today! :)