Monday, August 31, 2015

30 Day Picture Challenge

This month I want to post a picture a day. A lot of people do this on Instagram, but I'm going to post them all on here and write a little something. 

I'm still trying to get back into the swing of things. And starting this picture challenge on one of the busiest weeks in a long time probably isn't the best idea, but really when am I not busy! 

So here it is, I found this on Pinterest of course, one of my favorite places :) 
I may tweak a few depending on what I'm doing that day, but I will try my best to do one a day for 30 days :) 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Bad day...try one of these

Sometimes when I have a bad day I don't know what to do with myself. Here are 31 things to do when you're having a bad day. 
I'm going to print it out and put it on the fridge so I'll remember it when I'm having one of those days. 

I found this printable on Pinterest via

Friday, August 21, 2015

Let it rain!

Looks like a rainy weekend ahead of us. And that is totally ok with me. The plants need the rain and we need a down weekend. Life has been really hectic and busy the last month, we need some low key family time. 
Watching the rain fall. So relaxing. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Toys toys and more toys

Trying to organize the family room this week. The toys have completely taken over since Rubys birthday. So I went through all the toys and boxed up a bunch that were not age appropriate for a two year old and ones she doesn't play with anymore. I got them all packed up and ready for the next baby. I bought a book case and filled it with children's DVDs, books and some toys that I didn't have room for in the toy box. Now it is all tucked away nicely in there. Everything has a home and a place, just like I like it. I dislike unorganized spaces, which is what we had going on in the family room. 
The next house will need to have a playroom, no question about it. I want my living space back! 

Friday, August 14, 2015

Getting back into the swing of things

I haven't written in a while and now I can explain why. I have been beyond exhausted and feeling not so great because my husband and I are expecting baby number 2! 
When I was pregnant with Ruby I worked 50 hours a week up until the night my water broke. With this one I can not get out of my own way. I couldn't stomach anything for 6 weeks, but I finally am feeling better! I can get back into my old routine. 
I am going to try my hardest to keep up with the blog now that I am feeling a little more like myself :)